Reminder : How Many Of Us Do This?

  • Work-from-home

Abu Hafsat

Active Member
Oct 30, 2010
Kano, Nigeria
As-Salaam alaikum,
For our own well being and good spiritual development, how many of us today do this?
1. Go to sleep with Wudu
2. Sleep on your right shoulder
3. Fall asleep with the intention to pray Fajr (on time)
4. Read the Kalima
5. Drift off reading the ayatul-Kursi
6. Recite Salawaat ala Nabiy 10 times
7. Read Surat Fatiha 4 times
8. Read Surat Ikhlas 3 times
9. Read the 4 Qul Surahs
10. Do Istighfaar
11. Forgive everyone before falling asleep
12. Finally, "Whoever says 'Bismillah' 21 times before falling asleep, Allah tells the angels to write down a good deed for every breath he takes"..
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